Monday 22 June 2009

Halo Teaser Trailer Analysis

The trailer begins with the words 'In the year 2552' which instantly tells the viewer that this movie is set in the future. Up until we see a man getting his hair shaved off, the non-digetic sound seems calming, almost foreboding. The camera seems to make several cuts to different parts of the room, showing a guy's tattoo, showing another guy getting a tattoo. The camera pans across the room again, showing various guns of all shapes and sizes. It isn't long before we catch glimpses of the characters putting on bullet-proof vests and various other protective gear. This tells us straight away that they are fighting in some-kind of war. The question is... who is the enemy so far into the future.

The words 'Mankind must fight one last battle' appear. A voice-over can also be heard at this time. This combination was made so that the audience members would want to know what battle it is humans are fighting, or who they are fighting against. This keeps the audience interested. We suddenly get a point-of-view shot as a soldier chases after his teammate. The two seem to communicate with each other. The camera seems to cut to an over-head view that seems to be watching over their position then it cuts back to the two soldiers as they come to a stop. One of the soldiers shouts 'Go, go, go!' and they carry on running again, dodging a smoke bomb in the process. An aircraft suddenly comes into view and the soldiers seem to be either shooting the aircraft, or shooting around it as they move closer. The aircraft drops off a vehicle and flies off. The soldiers, meanwhile, get into the vehicle and drive off. As they drive, the camera looks overhead as two strange aircraft fly above, seemingly shooting everything in their path. A second later, the official Halo logo appears and fades into the background. Soon after the words 'Coming 2009' also appears then fades into the background.